Darling Nigeria and Xpression join Kanekalon in hosting free Workshops to Empower Hair Stylists in Nigeria
Kanekalon is a Japanese hair fiber manufacturing company into the mass production of quality synthetic hair fibers with a human-hair-like texture best known for its unique features such as flame retardancy and hot water set has embarked on a mission to
Unleash Your Creativity: Kanekalon’s Second Annual Hairstylist Workshop is Now Underway in Nigeria
As consumer preferences evolve, Kanekalon, a leading hair fiber manufacturer from Japan, is adapting its strategies to better connect with its customers. The company’s innovative approach includes initiatives like the Kanekalon Hairstylist Workshop, which seeks to engage with hairstylists and
Kanekalon empowers young and smart ladies in High School Drive
Kanekalon empowers young and smart ladies in High School Drive.
Kanekalon starts its Regional City Tour in Koforidua
Kanekalon in partnership with National Youth Employment (NYA) has started its Regional City Tour (RCT) across the country in Koforidua in the Eastern Region.